We work for you, around the clock

Online presence, and doing business online, is more and more an integral part of any business model. The more your business is reliant on its online presence, the more important uptime and availability becomes.

Previously, you could get away with some shared web hosting, possibly provided by a web designer you know, or some IT savvy employee. More and more, this is no longer the case. Shared web hosting, and cheap servers directly connected to the internet, are no longer considered safe and secure. They are seldom properly maintained, and nobody is looking after your application. Who notices when the service is interrupted? Or worse, hacked? Who do you call to get it fixed? And how quick do they respond? On Christmas Eve?

This is where we come in.

software developer at work

We monitor both the servers and the technology stack deployed on them 24/7.

We act on any alert we receive, directly, 24 hour a day, 7 days a week.

We don't ignore services outside their agreed service level, and we don't wait until the next service level starts before attending to the issue. In case an issue affects multiple services, the service SLA determines only which service we attend to first.

Issues can also be logged in our online ticketing system. You determine the urgently of the issue, we get notified via SMS for all new and urgent issues. You can also call the system administrator on duty, 24 hours a day, if needed1).

We track all security updates from all vendors we use, and apply security updates as soon as possible.

We monitor the life-cycle of the entire technology stack, and work with you to make sure your application is upgraded when parts of the technology stack reach end-of-support.

1) NB: calls and ticket creation outside SLA hours for other activities than service impacting issues will be charged at an hourly rate.

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It starts with a good conversation

Got a new managed hosting or application development project in mind?
We would love to show you what we can bring to the table to make your next project a success!.

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