
When is a server not a server? When it becomes so much more!

Unlike many other hosting or cloud companies, we don't just provide "compute" and "storage", then wish you the best of luck with it. For us, you are not a number. We work closely with you to provide you with a secure solution, tailer-made for your application requirements. Whether it be virtual or physical servers, we can provide you with the capacity you need to run your business services.

Email Services

Using our "Carefree Mail" brand, we also provide secure email services. This includes both email services for running applications (both for sending and receiving email), and basic email services (POP3/IMAP) for your users. We work together with PostMark for secure email delivery.

Email services are invoiced on allocated storage only, no matter the number of domains you want to host, or the number of mailboxes. A self-service dashboard is provided as part of the service, which allows you to manage your own email domains, mailboxes, and security settings. The service includes an email volume, and therefore the use of bandwidth, based on fair use.

Fair use

Unlike many of our competitors, especially cloud hosting companies, we don't provide you with an itemized, pages long invoice, for every service or resource you use.

Instead, we charge one price for one service, and that includes what we think is fair use of related resources, such as internet bandwidth, or the size of your database. Which means that if you host an application with us that you claim will hardly have any visitors, but it turns out to be a video download service, we will have a stern word with you about the additional bandwidth costs...

So far, we have never had to have that conversation.

The technical bits

Our virtual servers are running in a private VMware ESX server farm, which is 100% self owned, securely hosted in our datacentre in the Midlands, and backed by high-available SSD storage. All our server hardware is from leading US-based brand SuperMicro.

For applications we provide a high-available MariaDB database cluster, running of NVMe storage for maximum performance.

Every server comes with a nightly backup of both server and data (we can setup a customized schedule, based on your needs), a copy of the last backup is securely stored off-site.

Our complete infrastructure is redundant, end-to-end, from the power supply to the network layer, the firewalls and other security equipment, to the file and database storage.

Every client is completely seperated from other clients using VLAN technology. Services are shielded from the internet by firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and for web services, reverse proxy and SSL offloading services. We can provide full layer-7 application firewalling for internet facing web services if required.

All management, of both servers and infrastructure, is done out-of-band, not internet connected, en separated from all application or user traffic. There is a separate out-of-band firewall providing administrators with secure remote access.

Our infrastructure is audited and subjected to a PEN test on a yearly basis by Romanian security firm GRX (now FortCyber).

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It starts with a good conversation

Got a new managed hosting or application development project in mind?
We would love to show you what we can bring to the table to make your next project a success!.

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